The ability to see from another perspective
to truly understand the turmoil,
the happiness
the anger
the madness
the joy
the confusion
the bleeding heart
the enlightened spirit
to truly know the thoughts
to experience them in a way only one can know
to understand.
Of this we have none, and there is only One.
And yet we have empathy, that which we use so rarely
to have but a moment to peer into the world of another
to understand from some similar experience
or even of a universal connected feeling
that cannot be compressed into words.
Oh, that there would more of this be expressed,
that such creatures as we would be more than heads
filled with grey knowledge
that cause us to loose our way.
Until at last we are met with the end,
and our lasting backward glance sees that all was in vain.
Pursuing only those interests that we call our own
ruling our own worlds of self importance
and overflowing with our own sickening goodness.
We must have it all, in our greed and self possessiveness
But we have nothing to give to each other that would reach so far as