Sunday, March 23, 2008


Escape from reality
Put on a mask
not to be recognized
riding in the rising darkness
soft shards of purple flashing
in the distant sky
Riding along, becoming
something else
An observer of all to behold
Passing stares reflecting
off impenetrable mirrors
Rushing down the way
Lithe movements
One destination in focus
A place of high standing.
Till the top is reached
Where all can be seen
And still the stares
reflect from the impassable
mirrors of anonymity.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Down into the mud
Fallen flat
Fearing to rise

Covered in slime
Fallen to lowest pits
Into utter disregard

Fallen into the depths
Cry for rain to cleanse

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Dome

Not of Kubla Kan
nor son born
but inspired in channels
of thought
A place created that could never have been
Naught but a wish
Where moonlight shines unblinking
silvery illumination
of a darkened silhouette
demon features screaming
over mountains
marked by icy caverns
diamonds gleaming coldly
as needles
though the darkest passages
blinded by sudden light
over the greenest hilltop
into the midst of war
chaos reigning everywhere
and bones splinter
while flesh discerned
lies choking
the impossible
is become reality
the creation is brought to life
products of imagination
a legacy forever
burned into stone minds.

In the Midst

In the Midst
of that immense of darkness
mired deeply below,
and from every side suppressed
There is a light,
of consciousness
struggling feebly
threatening to be overpowered
by black banks of clouds
moving to shut off
all avenues of thought
engulfed in shadow
still the light remains.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


"He that controls the past controls the future." When the past has faded to gray, and the awareness is gone, then is the time when someone will step in, and plant false memories that will spring up like weeds in the minds of individuals.

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