Friday, September 14, 2007

So much wondering...

So many questions, so much wondering. Will it ever stop? What is the point? Will we ever know? If we ever find out, will it be too late?

There are so many things we can turn to, a world full of action, things to do. And yet, the emptiness remains...Nothing seems to be able to fill us, we are hungry for something more. What is it? We do not know...We can only keep searching for as long as we have, or just give up.

Our lives revolve around achieving goals. It is human nature. To attain something greater than what we are...And still, when we have attained the goal towards we press, the emptiness remains, and we search for more...

Why is it like this? Did it just happen like that? It is not something that can be explained through science. It is beyond our understanding, beyond our intellect. Can true happiness ever be obtained? Can the gnawing hunger be sated?

There are so many possibilities, more than we could ever hope to try in a life time. Is there any hope at all?

There are some who have found...

But THEY refuse to listen

If only...If only

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will we ever know what? Find what out? What brings about such a specific sense of time & being, of "too late"? Do these questions matter? To whom should they matter?

Is emptiness bad? Is all emptiness bad?

Be careful about making claims about human nature. Take any claim about human nature. Is it provable? Or only probable?

Sometimes I think: how dare we try to obtain happiness -- what happened to living? Sometimes happiness comes, and sometimes sadness and disappointment offer their company. Take it, take happiness when it comes, welcome sadness & disappointment & pain - get to know all of these emotions well. Fortune's wheel will turn, and it stops for no one.

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