Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Fascination of the Abomination

The fascination of he abomination. To become immersed in the thing that seeks to consume. When everything is abandoned behind, with gaze unmoving, slack-jawed, weak, helpless to resist. Always there, tempting. "The horror!"

There is the jungle all around, whispering dark promises, appealing to us, tempting us onward into its depths. Even in the water, all around that little tin can of a boat, there is a darkness. So easily bewitched by that Siren-like call. And yet, those that resist must have strength, a resilience to being swept away by the tide.

When all barriers are removed, no restraints, when no one seems to be watching, then the fascination slithers stealthily, engulfing in thick mire, until at last, it has wrenched every value, snatched every barrier. Then consumed by the abomination, now made one. Utterly torn away, never again the same, wild and utterly free, yet fallen, despicable in the eyes of society. Capable of anything, things unimaginable to the civilized mind.

Cast back into the boiling river the abomination from whence it came. That which eyes of seen may never be experienced. No man is strong enough alone, he is the essence of weakness.

1 comment:

Tran Quang Vinh said...

"Man is the essence of weakness"

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