Thursday, September 13, 2007

A First impression

As I sit before my desk wondering what to write, ideas rush around in my head, flapping into a swirling vortex of chaos.

A geyser of thought rushed from the depths of the mind and surged towards the limitless sky. It was the true expression of the mind that does not stick, the inner wildness, waiting to break forth into freedom, yet forever restrained by the boundaries set up by society, by physical needs, by ourselves. Yet, in the depths of our very beings, hidden from the searching eyes of our counterparts, our minds run wild and free, unbounded, able soar across the universe. No corners, no walls, no restrictions of any type, the human mind is of the supernatural, the utmost power. It has the ability to make choices, to remember, to create. It has the potential to accomplish greatness or downfall. The pure essence of it is inexpressible in the words we have created; we can only attempt. Imagination, intellect, and emotion are all parts of the immensity. We can never hope to explore it to its full extent, to do so would need an eternity.

And yet, throughout our lives, we force ourselves to fit into the demands of society, to train our minds to stick to something that we have not the slightest interest in. We let our minds be manipulated by what society has to offer. Eventually, it comes to seem as though the whole point of life has been lost, we are trapped in a groove, unable to break the barriers that we ourselves have created, because we have become enemies of ourselves, adversaries to our mind, slowly allowing our inner life, our spirits, to rot away in the dungeons. Still, it is not too late. Our mind is ever present, and by choice, we can be set free to obtain the liberty to think what we want to think, to write what we want to write, to reach the goal that we desire, and to express ourselves in the way we yearn to be expressed.

Each individual is an extraordinary phenomenon, each has their own power, and each person is different in a multitude of ways. Everyone has an opinion, has a view, has a dream. The myriads of human beings throughout history each had their own life, felt emotions, made choices, and experienced the mind that does not stick. Above all, each individual had an expression. Today, each person has an expression. As time takes its course into the future, each human mind will bear an expression. And every one of these expressions has the means to be expressed, whether by oral means, by the written letter, through scientific accomplishment, through mathematical achievement, through music, or by means of visual arts. Each one of these is an art, and an exploration of the immeasurable potential of the human mind.

Every means of expression becomes a unique medium to put forth the mind of each individual. To certain individuals, this medium may be expression by liberal art. Art provides the path to an unspoken self-expression that often comes closer than words in exploring the intricacies of the mind. Art in itself is without a doubt the purest form of expression. It provides the means to unbounded creativity, to the discovery of the mind.

The fact has just been proven: there exists the “mind that does not stick.” There remains no doubt that what we have just experienced is proof of that very statement. The mind streaks like a wild stallion across the windswept plain of thought, with no destination and no restraint. Where has the original topic gone? It is physically printed at the top of the page, and yet at the same time, the mind has grasped it and torn it from its roots, bringing it whipping and struggling along in its furious rampage. It is momentarily released, then snatched back out of the air, as the mind thunders ever onward. Truly, we are all in possession of the mind that does not stick.

After all, what is life if it is not chaos?


Anonymous said...

Hello there, you think from depth of your mind. It's so dark and mysterious. xD Have a good one. Keep writing...

Anonymous said...

vince this is some pretty intense stuff lol. Interesting thoughts and observations though for sure

Anonymous said...

that was so meaningful.
keep it up.

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