Monday, September 17, 2007


Society. The way it works is so complex, yet so simple. There are those that are considered intellegent, and those that might never get anywhere in life. There are stereotypes, classifications. Everything in society is classified. The ultimate goal is superiority. Who really is superior? They say it depends on opinion. Opinions will always differ. What is superiority? No one will ever know. Should we focus on the induvidual or on society as whole? Wondering...Its all falsification.


Tytus said...

They say everything is relative, but an innate sense all human beings are born with tell us that isn't so.

People need somewhere to cast their anchors; "he who strays upon the waters of uncertainty knows no more than that the meaning of his life be like the waves that surround his vessel – here but for a moment, and in the next, swallowed up amidst an ocean of darkness and doubt."

That's why faith is so important. How else would we know where to stand?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Look up Marx & Engels on alienation and false consciousness.

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