Tuesday, October 30, 2007


There lurks in that heart
A darkness
That lies hidden.
Concealed from the peering eyes.
Of society.
When it is revealed
There is fear
Because this darkness
Is the essence of chaos.
Spread over it all,
A thick cover,
Sticky sweet and sickly
The stench of falsification
Beguiling the gullible,
Longing for acceptance
The dead flower grows
Thorns reaching out,
Crushing the reality
Nothing left,
Just empty blackness
Longing to be filled
With something else.

Take everything from the inside, and throw it all away.
Erase all the pain.


Anonymous said...

have you considered writing a book?

You're depressing...
I'm going to go do cheery things now.

and I guess I'll stop the comment so that I can avoid writing a novel myself.

Anonymous said...

Haha! Agrees with previous comment.

Vince, there is something inside that wants to come but you wont let it. You use these abstract writings to cover it. Or maybe it's what you see through your eyes that is depressing. Let's see something happy.

The world sucks, I agree. But we can make it better by lying. =]


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